Welcome to the Year 3 class page. Have a look at all the amazing things we have done and accomplished so far this year!
Following the ‘Writing Project’ so far this year, Year 3 have looked at a variety of different texts and stimulus to inspire their writing across a range of different genres. For example, our learning about the Stone Age led us to reading ‘Stone Age Boy’ where we have written a setting description and diary. The book ‘Young, Gifted and Black led us to use our ingredients of writing to write a biography about three inspirational women Malorie Blackman, Simone Biles and Katherine Johnson), each class choosing their own motivational person. We have also written a persuasive text about litter than was inspired by the book ‘The Tin Forest’.
Take a look at some of our final written pieces.
In maths, we have covered place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and measure.
We have been working mathematically to apply our mathematical skills to reason and solve problems, with fluency. As part of our learning we always look to challenge ourselves further by 'Digging Deeper' and explain our answers mathematically.
In February, Year 3 took a short walk down the road to the local Gurdwara. Here we have learnt about Sikhism and the Gurdwara itself. This has linked to our classwork where we have learnt about Guru Nanak and his messages.
In Science, we have learnt about Animals, Including Humans; Light, Forces and Magnets already. We are now learning about Plants. By working like scientists, we have sought answers to questions through collecting, analysing and presenting data, as well as carrying out practical experiments or research. Pupils have been encouraged to use age-appropriate scientific language when working scientifically.
In Computing, we have created our own digital art, where we made our own wrapping paper and computer game graphics. We have used skills such as using shapes, fill, copy/paste, zoom and flip to create reflective symmetry effects, then multiple frames to layer our computer graphics.
During our lessons, we have also been able to learn to program using movement and loops as well as create our own music through a variety of software, where we learnt about scales, chords, arpeggios, rhythm, tempo and mixing.
Art and DT
As part of our curriculum weeks, we have been busy with our DT and artwork. We have planned, designed, created, and evaluated our own pneumatic toy and a cushion using Cross stitch and applique techniques as part of our textile’s topic. In each project we developed our our development criteria from the design brief, we were then able to generate ideas and design each project ensuring that they were sustainable, had a purpose and were appropriate for the user.
In art, we have built on our understanding on the formal elements of art and explored with shape and tone. We have created form and structures using wire, where we made a wire fish.