
St John The Baptist Church of England Primary School

Loving Learning, Building Community, Growing in Faith


Meeting Attendance

Policy & Resources Committee Meetings


13th January 2021

David Shelley (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Clare O’Donovan, David Park

21st April 2021 David Shelley (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Clare O’Donovan, David Park

25th October 2021

David Shelley (Chair),Trudie Colotto, Marie Green, Clare O’Donovan, David Park

21st January 2022

David Shelley (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Marie Green, Clare O’Donovan, Phil Gaskell, David Park 

5th April 2022

David Shelley (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Marie Green, Clare O’Donovan, Phil Gaskell, David Park
10th October 2022David Shelley (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Marie Green, Clare O’Donovan, Tim Wilson
16th January 2023David Shelley (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Marie Green, Clare O'Donovan, Phil Gaskell, David Park
15th May 2023David Shelley (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Marie Green, Clare O'Donovan, David Park
2nd October 2023David Shelley (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Marie Green, Clare O'Donovan, Phil Gaskell, Jill Carr
22nd January 2024David Shelley (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Marie Green, Phil Gaskell, Francesca Faedi, Zubair Jasat
15th April 2024David Shelley (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Marie Green, Clare O'Donovan, Phil Gaskell
15th May 2024David Shelley (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Marie Green, Clare O'Donovan, Phil Gaskell, Jill Carr, Zubair Jasat, Tim Wilson


Standards Committee Meetings


5th November 2021

Jill Carr (Chair), David Park, Trudie Colotto, Dawn Southwell, Emma Miles

7th January 2022

Jill Carr (Chair), David Park, Trudie Colotto, Emma Miles

8th April 2022Jill Carr (Chair), David Park, Trudie Colotto, Emma Miles
8th July 2022Jill Carr (Chair), Trudie Colotto
14th October 2022Jill Carr (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Phil Harbour, David Park
6th January 2023Jill Carr (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Emma Miles, David Park
28th April 2023Jill Carr (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Emma Miles, David Park, Rachel Semeraro
14th July 2023Jill Carr (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Emma Miles, David Park, Rachel Semeraro, Charlotte Norris
13th October 2023Jill Carr (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Emma Miles, Rachel Semeraro, Charlotte Norris, Anwen Goodwin
19th January 2024Jill Carr (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Rachel Semeraro, Charlotte Norris, Anwen Goodwin, Rachel Bhanu
12th April 2024 Jill Carr (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Rachel Semeraro, Charlotte Norris, Anwen Goodwin, Rachel Bhanu

Full Governing Body Meetings 




14th September 2021

David Park, Jill Carr, Trudie Colotto, Clare O’Donovan, Tim Wilson, Phil Harbour, Sami Lindsey, Dawn Southwell, Phil Gaskell.

23rd November 2021

David Park (Chair), Jill Carr, Trudie Colotto, Tim Wilson, Phil Harbour, Sami Lindsey, Dawn Southwell, Phil Gaskell, David Shelley, Emma Miles.

7th March 2022David Park (Chair), Jill Carr, Trudie Colotto, Tim Wilson, Dawn Southwell, Phil Gaskell, Emma Miles, Claire O'Donovan
6th June 2022David Park (Chair), Jill Carr, Trudie Colotto, Tim Wilson, Dawn Southwell, Phil Gaskell, Emma Miles, Claire O'Donovan, Sami Lindsey, Phil Harbour
13th September 2022David Park (Chair), Jill Carr, Trudie Colotto, Phil Gaskell, Emma Miles, Claire O'Donovan, Sami Lindsey, David Shelley
22nd November 2022

David Park (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Phil Gaskell, Emma Miles, Claire O’Donovan, Sami Lindsey, David Shelley, Tim Wilson, Dawn Southwell, Phil Harbour, Rachel Semeraro, Charlotte Norris

7th March 2023

David Park (Chair), Trudie Colotto, Phil Gaskell (part), Emma Miles, David Shelley, Tim Wilson, Dawn Southwell, Charlotte Norris, Rachel Semeraro, Jill Carr, Zubair Jasat

6th June 2023David Park (Chair), Trudie Colotto, David Shelley, Tim Wilson, Dawn Southwell, Charlotte Norris, Rachel Semeraro, Jill Carr, Zubair Jasat, Clare O'Donovan, Phil Harbour, Sami Lindsey.
12th September 2023Jill Carr (Chair), Clare O'Donovan (Vice Chair), Trudie Colotto, David Shelley, Emma Miles, Tim Wilson, Charlotte Norris, Rachel Semeraro, , Zubair Jasat, , Sami Lindsey, David Park (part), Anwen Goodwin
21st November 2023Jill Carr (Chair), Clare O'Donovan (Vice Chair), Trudie Colotto, David Shelley, Emma Miles, Tim Wilson, Phil Gaskell, Charlotte Norris, Rachel Semeraro, Zubair Jasat, Sami Lindsey, , Anwen Goodwin
12th March 2024Jill Carr (Chair), Clare O'Donovan (Vice Chair), Trudie Colotto, David Shelley, Emma Miles, Tim Wilson, Phil Gaskell, Charlotte Norris, Rachel Semeraro, Sami Lindsey, Anwen Goodwin, Francesca Faedi
11th June 2024Jill Carr (Chair), Trudie Colotto, David Shelley, Emma Miles, Tim Wilson, Phil Gaskell, Charlotte Norris, Rachel Semeraro, Sami Lindsey, Anwen Goodwin, Rhys Chivers, Rachel Bhanu, Zubair Jasat